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XBE Launcher


Using the kernel as our work-horse, we can set some variables and load another xbe with our code.  This piece of code now allows us to possibly do a small openxdk dash - so we can launch new programs...have a menu start up...search for xbox executables (xbe's) on the dvd-rom or hard-drive, and allow us to choose which one's to start.



code: launch.cpp


/*                                                                               */

/*  XBOX XBE Launch Code                                                         */

/*                                                                               */

/*  File:   launch.cpp                                                           */

/*                                                                               */

/*  Author: bkenwright@xbdev.net                                                 */

/*  Date:   27-02-04                                                             */

/*  URL:    www.xbdev.net                                                        */

/*                                                                               */


/*                                                                               */

/*  Platform: XBOX - OpenXDK and XDK                                             */

/*                                                                               */


/*                                                                               */

/*  Details:                                                                     */

/*  Well I put together a set of functions so we could launch xbox executables   */

/*  from our code, its been designed so it uses the kernel functions..which are  */

/*  are from the bios.  So the code doesn't really depend on any librarys,       */

/*  which means that our code will work on the openxdk and xdk.                  */

/*                                                                               */

/*  The few external library's I used are for string manipulation..which are     */

/*  in stdio.h and string.h....                                                  */

/*                                                                               */

/*  Not noticed any serious bugs yet...and I've skips a lot of error checking    */

/*  in the code to keep it simple, if you find any bugs or improvements I'm glad */

/*  for any feedback.                                                            */

/*                                                                               */


/*                                                                               */

/*                                                                               */

/*  Examples of how to use in your code:                                         */

/*                                                                               */

/*  xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "",            "default.xbe"); // msdash  */

/*                                                                               */

/*    xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "\\apps\\dvd2","dvd.xbe");     // dvd app */

/*                                                                               */

/*    xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "",            "xboxdash.xbe");// evox    */

/*                                                                               */




#include <string.h>       // memset(..), strcpy(..), strcat(..), strlen(..)

#include <stdio.h>        // sprintf(..)





/*                                                                               */

/*  Here are the external declarations....Now I'm sorry about the naming of the  */

/*  variables...hehe....got lazy while debugging.                                */

/*  But the linker is only concerned with how many bytes are being passed and    */

/*  the name of the function, that is why it works.                              */

/*  Might be better to rename them to a more details naming later on so they     */

/*  make more sense.                                                             */

/*  The real juicy info, is the LaunchDataPage variable in the kernel memory     */

/*  area - which is where we set what is going to boot after our warm boot.      */

/*                                                                               */



extern "C" unsigned long * LaunchDataPage;


extern "C" unsigned long __stdcall HalReturnToFirmware(unsigned int a);

extern "C" unsigned long __stdcall MmAllocateContiguousMemory(unsigned int a);

extern "C" unsigned long __stdcall MmPersistContiguousMemory( unsigned int a,

                                                              unsigned int b,

                                                              unsigned int c);






  unsigned short Length;

  unsigned short MaximumLength;

  wchar_t *  Buffer;

};// End stUNICODE_STRING struct




extern "C" unsigned long __stdcall IoDeleteSymbolicLink( stUNICODE_STRING * SymbolicLinkName);

extern "C" unsigned long __stdcall IoCreateSymbolicLink( stUNICODE_STRING * SymbolicLinkName,

                                                         stUNICODE_STRING * DeviceName);



struct stDataLaunch


      unsigned int  dwLaunchDataType;

      char *        TitleID;

      char          szLaunchPath[207];

      unsigned int  dwFlags;

      char          pad[0x1eb];

      char          LaunchData[0xBFF];

};// End stDataLaunch struct





// e.g. szDevice  = "\\Harddisk0\\Partition2"

//      szDir     = "apps\\dvds" or ""

//      szTitle   = "default.xbe"

//      pDashData = 0

void xLaunchXBE(char * szDevice, char * szDir, char * szTitle, void * pDashData )


      // Has LaunchDataPage already got allocated memory?

      if( *LaunchDataPage == 0 )


            unsigned long mem = MmAllocateContiguousMemory(0x1000);

            *LaunchDataPage = mem;



      MmPersistContiguousMemory( (unsigned int)*LaunchDataPage, 0x1000, 1);


      stDataLaunch * pMem  = (stDataLaunch*)*LaunchDataPage;


      memset((void*)pMem, 0, 0x1000 );


      pMem->dwLaunchDataType = 0xFFFFFFFF; // -1

      pMem->TitleID = 0;



      char* pStr = (char*)&(pMem->szLaunchPath[0]);


      strcpy( pStr,  "\\Device\\" );  // -> \\Device\\               <-

      strcat( pStr , szDevice );      // -> \\Harddisk0\\Partition2  <-

      strcat( pStr , szDir );         // -> \\apps\\dvds             <-

      strcat( pStr,  ";" );           // -> ;                        <-

      strcat( pStr,  szTitle );       // -> default.xbe              <-


      // Testing Code

      // strcpy( pStr , "\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition2" );

      // strcat( pStr,  ";" );

      // strcat( pStr,  "default.xbe" );




}// End xLaunchXBE(..)



// Unmount the old D: drive

void xUnmountD()


      char szDestinationDrive[16];



      stUNICODE_STRING LinkName =



            strlen(szDestinationDrive) + 1,

            (wchar_t *)szDestinationDrive




}// End xUnmountD()




// Mount the D: drive to a given device and directory

// szDevice = "Cdrom0" or "Harddisk0\Partition6"

// szDir = "" or "Game1"

void xMountD(char* szDevice, char* szDir)


      char szSourceDevice[256];

      char szDestinationDrive[16];





      if (*szDir != 0x00 && *szDir != '\\')


            strcat(szSourceDevice, "\\");

            strcat(szSourceDevice, szDir);



      stUNICODE_STRING LinkName =



            strlen(szDestinationDrive) + 1,

            (wchar_t *)szDestinationDrive



      stUNICODE_STRING DeviceName =



            strlen(szSourceDevice) + 1,

            (wchar_t *)szSourceDevice



      IoCreateSymbolicLink(&LinkName, &DeviceName);

}// End xMountD(..)




// Forward declaration

void xLaunchXBE(char * szDevice, char * szDir, char * szTitlePath, void * pDashData );




// CdRom0

// Harddisk0\\Partition0

// Harddisk0\\Partition1   -> E

// Harddisk0\\Partition2   -> C



// szDevice = the device where the XBE is "Cdrom0"

// szDir = the subdirectory where your xbe is "\Games\Game1"

// szFile = the name of your XBE (without the path) - "Game1.xbe"

void xRunXbe (char* szDevice, char* szDir, char* szFile)



      xMountD(szDevice, szDir);


      xLaunchXBE( szDevice, szDir, szFile, NULL );

}// End xRunXbe(..)






      xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "",             "default.xbe");  // msdash


      xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "\\apps\\dvd2", "default.xbe");  // dvd2 app


      xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "",             "xboxdash.xbe"); // evox






/*                                                                               */

/*                          Program Entry Point                                  */

/*                                                                               */


/*                                                                               */

/*  Few lines of code to test our code, launch different apps etc.               */

/*                                                                               */



void main()



      //xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "",             "default.xbe");  // msdash

      //xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2", "\\apps\\dvd2", "default.xbe");  // dvd2 app

      //xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition2",   "",           "xboxdash.xbe"); // evox


      //xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition3", "\\DolphinClassic",

      //                                  "default.xbe");                   // demo


      xRunXbe ( "Harddisk0\\Partition1", "\\games\\SnakeX\\executable",

                                           "default.xbe");                    // wormsx



      while(true); // LockLoop - Loop to lock us here


}// end main()







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