Do you remember the move 'Forest Gump'? Life is like a 'box of chocolates'? - Well data mining and machine learning is a bit like that - you're never exactly sure what you're gonna get! I mean - why even look at the data if it contains nothing new!
Data Mining and Machine Learning - What is it all about?
As they say, knowledge is power, but knowledge is just data. We live in an age where data is everywhere, vast amounts of it, in all sorts of forms - from car fuel consumption usage data to medical data from hospitals. What has really changed is that computers have now got fast! Really really fast! And they're able to load and analyse this data and find new patterns or make predictions based on the data.
Dirty simple! Yes, thanks to Python, getting started and using powerful machine learning algorithms is easy, very easy. You just import a library, type in a few lines of happy code and ... bada bing bada boom, it runs without any hard word! No maths or problems.
Python is one of the main languages uses for data mining and machine learning (not the only language) - so most of the examples use Python. Of course, don't let that stop if you if you're not a Python person - for example, you can also do a lot of work using Javascript!! Even cool libraries like Tensorflow.JS - however, lets just stick with Python.
Thanks to all the libraries and prewritten tools, that means it's great for those just starting off, as you can just get stuff running, create cool programs and process data without having to learn all the hard maths or worry about writing and debugging long complex libraries that can be very very specialist (e.g., may need to run on the GPU to run with a reasonable time frame - instead of taking 6 months to process it can be done in 6 hours due to optimizations and hardware).
Let me show a little example - in less than 20 lines of code using the sklearn library we can implement a simple classification example (KNeightborsClassifier)!! The small example uses the famous Iris dataset and the scikit-learn library.
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