Quake 3 BSP Level File Format Tutorial
Author bkenwright@xbdev.net
Have you heard of the game quake?... well the quake level file format
was special. As they did with quake 2, they used BSP (Binary Space
Partitioning). For indoors, BSP works better, as we can quickly determine
which poly's to render and which to check for collision detection. As
our 3D world is divided up using the BSP format.
You can create a binary space level at run time with your raw
file information, but its sometimes more efficient, fast and more reliable to
have this information saved and ready to load and go! Thats what the
quake file format does. Its relatively easy to get your teeth into and
get working in no time. I suppose the hardest part for people to grasp,
is what BSP is and how you work with planes and subdivision and recursion!
Making people turn away and run.
Quake 3 BSP File Format Specifications & Tutorials. |
Format Layout Details
Reading and Checking Data
Rendering the
Vertex & Meshes
Inside the world!
Using the BSP data -
Visible Areas
Testing for Collisions - Brushes!
BSP Quake 3 Demos |