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a powerful, flexible, fully supported, battle tested server side language ..


HTML Tags (Finding, Removing, Encoding, ...)

PHP is a web language - and you're generating, reading, manipulating HTML... it's what the language was originally built for!

htmlentities - see the tags not the result

The builtin PHP function
htmlentities( ... )
lets you encode your HTML so it displays the `tags` not the actual output for the tags.

For example, this string:

$s "<h1>Hello World</h1>";

$s );

$b htmlentities$s );

$b );

What we want, is special HTML identifiers, like less than and greater than getting replaced with the HTML opcode (

The output (showing the raw html passed to the browser):

<h1>Hello World</h1>

lt;h1&gt;Hello World&lt;/h1&gt;

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