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PrtX. 3D Shapes with DirectX3D...

by bkenwright@xbdev.net

Its a lot easier than you think to draw 3D shapes using DirectX.. (download full source code).


As you can see from on the right... we end up with a cool pyramid rotating in our window!  The 3D shape is generated simply by specifying the 4 triangles that make up the pyramid (ignoring the bottom one).

Simple source code:


/*                                                                         */

/* File: game.cpp                                                          */

/*                                                                         */




#include <d3dx8.h>

#include <d3d8.h>


// The function takes the position of our pyramid in our world and renders

// it... simple as that!.

void draw_pyramid(float x, float y, float z)


      struct my_vertex


            FLOAT x, y, z;  // D3DFVF_XYZ

            DWORD colour;   // D3DFVF_DIFFUSE


      my_vertex v[] =


            {-0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y,  0.5f + z, 0xfffcff00},  //[1] - front

            { 0.0f + x,   0.5f + y,  0.0f + z, 0xff00ff00},  //[2]

            { 0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y,  0.5f + z, 0xff33f9ff},  //[3]


            { 0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y, -0.5f + z, 0xff55ff00},  //    - back

            { 0.0f + x,   0.5f + y,  0.0f + z, 0xffff2200},  //

            {-0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y, -0.5f + z, 0xf4f2ff00},  //


            {-0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y, -0.5f + z, 0xffffff11},  //    - left

            { 0.0f + x,   0.5f + y,  0.0f + z, 0xffff2200},  //

            {-0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y,  0.5f + z, 0xff88ff00},  //


            { 0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y,  0.5f + z, 0xffffff00},  //    - right

            { 0.0f + x,   0.5f + y,  0.0f + z, 0xff222200},  //

            { 0.5f + x,  -0.5f + y, -0.5f + z, 0xffaaff00}   //


      UINT my_vertex_description = (D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE);


      IDirect3DVertexBuffer8 * DX_vb;

      g_pD3DDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( sizeof(v), 0, my_vertex_description, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &DX_vb );


      // Copy our array which is in computer memory over to the directX memory.. using that pointer we

      // just created etc.

      unsigned char *temp_pointer_vb;

      DX_vb->Lock(0,0, &temp_pointer_vb, 0);

      memcpy(temp_pointer_vb, v, sizeof(v) );



      g_pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);

      g_pD3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1);

      g_pD3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0,D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_DIFFUSE);


      // Draw our triangle.

      g_pD3DDevice->SetStreamSource(0, DX_vb, sizeof(my_vertex));


      g_pD3DDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4);






// Not really done much matrix stuff yet!.. but be patient!

void Render()




      // Clear the back buffer to a blue color

      g_pD3DDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,255), 1.0f, 0 );


      // These few lines of code is so that our 3D pyramid rotates while the program is running.

      static float angle = 0.0f;

      angle += 0.001f;

      //~~~*~~~~ Create a matrix

      D3DXMATRIX mx;

      //~~~*~~~~ Do somthing to our empty matrix.

      D3DXMatrixRotationY(&mx, angle ); // angle in radians...eg. 1 degree = PI/180

      //~~~*~~~~ Use the matrix! No use having a matrix if we don't use it!

      g_pD3DDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &mx);




      draw_pyramid(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

      // After rendering the scene we display it.

      g_pD3DDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );



void mainloop()




As you can see...its just a matter of specifying where the vertices are located!  You could call the draw_pyramid(..) function numberous times and place pyramids all over the place... but you should look at setting up a camera first...as the clipping range is set to 0 - 1.0f...which means that anything further away than 1.0f will be clipped!... try it... move the pyramid back 0.5 and you'll see that it sort of gets cut in two when its rotating!.


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