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Fur Effects - Teddies, Cats, Hair ....
by bkenwright@xbdev.net


Have you ever watched Monsters Inc?  Or other movies like Shrek? Or possibly played a computer game on your xbox where the hero character has realistic looking fur, and wondered just how you could do that?  I bet you thought it was really really hard.  I mean when I think back, I used to have ideas of modelling a single hair then multiplying it by a few thousand times!..which would take one large amount of processing...definitely not possible for games or for simple cool effects :)

One particular technique of creating good looking fur without killing yourself with maths and algorithms and weeks of processing time, is to use shell texturing! Remember those words, "Shell Texturing". As there's lots of information on generating Fur or Hair using shell texturing. Sometimes mixed in with the subject of volume shadowing and volume effects in 3D! The effect once you've grasped it!...which of course you should have once you've read my extremely informative and simplified tutorial allow you to expand into other areas, such as fields of grass, hair on a head, trees in a forest, or other things.

Now this is not one of those easy tutorials that you can swish through, well I couldn't....so your going to have to stock up on coffee to get through this puppy!  Lots of basic principles which are really simple and you'll kick yourself for not thinking of them earlier, and then there's a few ideas which are messy to implement...easy in theory...but the code is a bit complicated to see how it's doing it.


Feedback is always welcome on this....sort of a trial and error thing for me...reading articles and testing out new ideas that come to me while watching tv :) There's all sorts of things going on with fur! But it's well worth the trouble.
I've supplied all my code, with different levels of complexity and ways of doing things, so you can look through it and see how the basics work, or to add more advanced things in, light inter-fur lighting or fur gravity/forces etc.


Well it's going to be a late night for me... I've taken a few screenshots of the various steps of the code so you can look at how the fur looks on different objects.




Lets have a look at the basic idea of layers and textures.  I mean, what do these layers look like close up?  What will we get?  Well below is a few diagrams showing the basic idea of how we use textured layers to create a fur/hair effect.  Now the secret to how this works is by using the Alpha value!  As we render each layer we only see the values which have an alpha value greater than 0.  So for we scatter the surface with noise dots, and make them some colour and also set their alpha value to 1.  For all the rest of the texture we won't see, so we just set its alpha to 0. 


We then have a single noise texture, which if we wanted could be used to generate a very basic fur model!  We do this by multiplying the surface normal by the texture, so if we have 5 layers, we would render the texture 5 times on our model, each time extruding our texture surface out using the surface normal.  Increasing the number of layers creates finer and finer hairs.


To show this in action I did simple Shader/DirectX demo just to make sure you've got this simple principle of layers!  Even though the code uses vertex and pixel shaders to produce the fur effect, it is possible to create fur effects without shaders, it just means that you have to perform the additional vertex processing within your program without passing it along to the graphics card.  If you understand the principles of how the fur is generated it shouldn't be to complicated to produce a non-shader fur demo.






I put together a simple demo - a simple main.cpp and a fur.fx file which uses a single texture to generate a fur/hair effect which you can play with - adjusting the number of layers, fur length, density, bias the tips with force effects and zoom in etc...  A screenshot on the right shows the code running.


The top left hand corner of the screen is used to show the texture - nothing much as you can see - just a plain texture with noise blobs plotted across the surface.  Of course all the surface except the blobs of noise has an alpha value of 0, so its see through.


The demo with practically no effort at all could be expanded to produce a field of grass swaying in the wind!  Wow eh?  And it doesn't use that much computational power - so you could create a massive field of grass, that looks almost picture perfect in your game and wouldn't cost you an arm and leg in cpu/gpu power.


This is still only a simple model, it's at its bare basics here - as we've not added varying density so that the fur is thicker or thinner as it approaches the tips, also spikes...the hairs are the same thickness all the way up, we can fix that.  Then of course there's adding in textures, so our hair is the same colour as our textured surface.


And of course there's lighting!  The simple demo uses basic diffuse (directional) lighting model...only a few extra lines...which of course you can comment out and see it with and without - but it doen'st really show the hair shadows.  We can add this later by using UV offsets for each layer to create a per hair lighting, sweet stuff eh!


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Lets take a look at what the main parts of code look like, and see if I can explain whats happening.  Below shows the HLSL (High Level Shader Language) Shader which is used to produce the fur effect.  We call the shader for each fur layer, and pass it along a parameter FurLength, which is used to determine which layer where at.  The single line of code which is most important in the code is:


float3 P = IN.position.xyz + (IN.normal * FurLength);


Where we have our IN.position.xyz input vertice information, and of course IN.normal which is the vertice normal and finally FurLength which is a value from 0 to some max length.  So for example, when FurLength is 0, our output vertice data is just the object surface. Then we increment FurLength by some amount for the next layer, e.g. to 1.0, then our next value for P is projected out by some amount producing the next shell or layer...then we increment our layer again and FurLength increases again and we render another shell/layer...eventually producing a fur effect.



File: fur.fx


/*                                                                           */

/* File: fur.fx                                                              */

/* www.xbdev.net                                                             */

/*                                                                           */



   Verty basic fur/hair demo showing how to generate realistic looking fur/hair

   using Shaders and DirectX. 




float FurLength = 0;

float UVScale   = 1.0f;

float Layer     = 0; // 0 to 1 for the level


float3 vGravity = float3(0,-2.0,0);


float4 vecLightDir = float4(0.8,0.8,1,0);



texture FurTexture;

sampler TextureSampler = sampler_state;




// transformations

float4x4 worldViewProj : WORLDVIEWPROJ;

float4x4 matWorld : WORLD;



struct vertexInput {

    float3 position                 : POSITION;

    float3 normal                   : NORMAL;

    float4 texCoordDiffuse          : TEXCOORD0;



struct vertexOutput {

    float4 HPOS     : POSITION;   

    float4 T0       : TEXCOORD0; // fur alpha

    float3 normal   : TEXCOORD1;




//------------------------------------ ( vs 1.1 )

vertexOutput VS_TransformAndTexture(vertexInput IN)


    vertexOutput OUT = (vertexOutput)0;




      //This single line is responsible for creating the layers!  This is it! Nothing

      //more nothing less!

      float3 P = IN.position.xyz + (IN.normal * FurLength);


      //Modify our normal so it faces the correct direction for lighting if we

      //want any lighting

      float3 normal = normalize(mul(IN.normal, matWorld));


      // Couple of lines to give a swaying effect!

      // Additional Gravit/Force Code

      vGravity = mul(vGravity, matWorld);

      float k =  pow(Layer, 3);  // We use the pow function, so that only the tips of the hairs bend

                                 // As layer goes from 0 to 1, so by using pow(..) function is still

                                 // goes form 0 to 1, but it increases faster! exponentially

      P = P + vGravity*k;

      // End Gravity Force Addit Code



      OUT.T0 = IN.texCoordDiffuse * UVScale; // Pass long texture data

      // UVScale??  Well we scale the fur texture alpha coords so this effects the fur thickness

      // thinness, sort of stretches or shrinks the fur over the object!


      OUT.HPOS = mul(float4(P, 1.0f), worldViewProj); // Output Vertice Position Data

      OUT.normal = normal; // Output Normal

    return OUT;




//----------------------------------- ( ps 1.3 )

float4 PS_Textured( vertexOutput IN): COLOR


      float4 FurColour = tex2D( TextureSampler,  IN.T0 ); // Fur Texture - alpha is VERY IMPORTANT!

      float4 FinalColour = FurColour;




      //Basic Directional Lighting

      float4 ambient = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0};

      ambient = ambient * FinalColour;

      float4 diffuse = FinalColour;

      FinalColour = ambient + diffuse * dot(vecLightDir, IN.normal);

      //End Basic Lighting Code




      FinalColour.a = FurColour.a;

      //return FinalColour;      // fur colour only!

      return FinalColour;       // Use texture colour

      //return float4(0,0,0,0); // Use for totally invisible!  Can't see






The code should work with even the simplest shaders - and will run with vertex shaders vs1.1 and ps1.3 - but with later shader versions, you can implement loops within the script where by you can move all the fur details to the effect file.







Producing multiple fur textures for the different layers (Organising our Code, Fur Class)


To take our code to the next level, we create a XFurTexture(..) class which will be responsible for generating our textures!  I say texture's', as for the next stage we'll use multiple textures for our fur, a different texture for each layer.  We can of course use the same texture for each layer...for example we could have 20 textures, but spead them across 60 layers for find detail.  But we still have multiple textures.  This allows us to create even more stunning and realistic fur/hair. 


With the exception of putting the fur class all the other parts of the code are more or less the same.




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By adding multiple textures - a different texture for each layer we can create more realistic looking fur/hair.  This is done by modifying the density across the layers, so that as we approach the tips we have less and less hair, while at the base we have more.


We can achieve this by understanding how the srand() random function works, and using it to generate the various random noise textures for each layer.  As if you set the seed value for srand(), we know that each time we call srand() it will produce the same random values.  So for each layer, we set the seed value, then call srand() for a certain density, so for example we would generate 1000 random pixel points on our base surface, but at the top layer where the tips of our fur are, we would only plot 100 pixels.


I say that we must set the seed value the same for each time we generate our fur texture layers, so that our hairs form single hairs from base to tip!






To show how the number of layers effects our output, I did a few screenshots of a simple pyramid with various numbers of layers, ranging from 2 to 60 skins.  The more layers you have the finner the detail your hairs have, you do find that the more layers means the more time it takes to render....but more than often 30ish layers seems to produce pretty good results.  Again if you have extremely long wavy hair and want picture perfect quality, you may find that you need 60+ layers.  You can run the demo programs and use the 'Home', 'End' keys to increase or decrease the number of layers that is rendered so you can play around with the values you get.



Layers : 2


Layers : 6

Layers : 15

Layers : 30

Layers : 60



Varying Density with Length


The density is how many hairs are pair layer - so for example a fixed density across all the layers would be 1000 and would be pretty dense, while reducing the density linearly from the inner layer to the outer layer produces a more realistic and varying density.  Of course we can use other functions to create sparse rough looking textures by varying them non-linearly.





Power 2

Power 3


Mixed (Lin & Pow5)





Loading X File and Rendering a Fur Surface


The previous couple of demos have used only a simple flat surface.  With a few extra lines, and using the 'D3DXLoadMeshFromX(..)' API we can load a 3D X File and render fur to its surface.  The code has been simplified a bit so that it's easier to make out.  Also doesn't contain all the extra keyboard input information so you can fiddle with values such as fur length.



Have you ever looked at fur?  I mean if you look closely, you'll notice that all the fur/hairs arn't all exactly the same colour.  So by introducing an extra 3 lines into our colour generation code, we can generate fur with slight randomness to colour, note that the randomness is only slight, but gives an improved realness.


// hair color

// Slightly random plus or minus small amount fixed colour


col.r = rnd(0.9, 0.9);  // ie. 0.9, 0.3, 0.3 is brown (rgb)

col.g = rnd(0.3, 0.5);

col.b = rnd(0.3, 0.7);

col.a = 1.0f;


Not much code, but gives each of the hairs their own individuality.  Remember though, that each hair must keep its same colour across its layers, which is the reason why we keep setting the seed value for our random function.  rnd(..) is a random function value which generates a float random value from min to max value.


const float INV_RAND_MAX = 1.0 / (RAND_MAX + 1);

inline float rnd(float max=1.0) { return max * INV_RAND_MAX * rand(); }

inline float rnd(float min, float max) { return min + (max - min) * INV_RAND_MAX * rand(); }



It's a MOUSE!!!


For the 3D Model (X-File) I  used a simple model of a mouse (mouse.x), as someone said to me, it looks like an alien, but it is a mouse character :)

Would look good with a few bones and a bit of animation, but the code is only a simple version.


There's 'No Lighting' or 'Drag & Move' or any other such code in this demo...was kept very simple.  The code loads a simple mesh  model, applies the basic fur texture layers to the model and renders it.  That simple.


Efficiency! - If you look at the code is very simple, the code has been done so you can go step by step over the various stages.  So if your going to make this demo into something for release, look into optimising it first!  As I've done a lot of creating and releasing of resources in the main loop.


He's Hollow I hear you say?  Well yup, the code only renders the fur.  So if you want him to have an additional skin, surface or something, then you just render a black surface or coloured surface of the 3d object before rendering the fur.


The fur stands out a great deal, by stands out I mean that the individual hairs are quiet noticeble across the object even though we have no lighting in the demo.  This is mainly due to hair contrast colour being made darker at the base compared to the tips.

Also as I mentioned above the hairs are given a slight difference in colour across the texture - so they're still the same colour plus or minus a slight randomness.




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MMmmmm  Donuts!!


Well we all know that Homers favourite food is donuts, also sometimes referred to as torus shapes in the 3D world.  Using a simple 3D algorithm to generate the 3D Donut including its texture coords and normals, we apply the fur algorithm to it.




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Fur Shadowing (Inter Fur-Shadowing)


It's not so noticeble in some of the demos, as we have varying alpha values from base to tip, so as the hairs overlap the separate hairs stand out more.  But if we had a constant set of hairs with fixed alpha values you'd notice that the hairs sort of mix together.  Making it less obvious that we have multiple hairs.


No InterFur Shadowing

Per Hair Shadowing Offset



Lets examine how we achieve this inter-fur shadowing.  The principle is very simple, but at the cost of having to render each fur layer an additional time.  It works by taking each layer and offsetting the uv coordinates very slightly, using the surface normal as a bias as well, so that each layers dots or hairs are offset.  Rather than just render the same colour though - as we are trying to generate a shadow effect, we convert the rgb offset value to a grey shadow.  This grey offset is rendered underneath each layer, so that as the layers are built up as for the original layers for the fur, we get a shadowing effect, which makes the individual hairs stand out more.







I suppose my simple diagram above doesn't show the effect to well, I suppose the results might stand out a bit more if you bias the shadow a bit, so instead of using a grey value for the shadow, you could use a pure black, i.e. float4(1,1,1, fcolor.a) for the last line, so that the hairs really have a strong shadow.  Of course the shadows don't really look realistic then, but thats the beauty of code, you can test out different methods to see what results you get.



Inter-Fur Shadows Effect


vertexOutput VS_Shadow_TransformAndTexture(vertexInput IN)


    vertexOutput OUT = (vertexOutput)0;


      float3 P = IN.position.xyz + (IN.normal * FurLength);

      float4 normal = mul(IN.normal, matWorld);


      //---Additional Gravit/Force Code----

      vGravity = mul(vGravity, matWorld);

      float k =  pow(Layer, 3);  // We use the pow function, so that only the tips of the hairs bend

                                 // As layer goes from 0 to 1, so by using pow(..) function is still

                                 // goes form 0 to 1, but it increases faster! exponentially

      P = P + vGravity*k;

      //---End Gravity Force Addit Code----


      // We want the fur in the center of the object, as where doing offsets!  So if we just

      // use the normal, when it's facing in the z direction, the center of the object mesh,

      // then it will be the same when we scale it larger.  So we modify the normal so we

      // have larger values in the center and less on the edge for use in our offset inter

      // fur shading!  If thats makes any sense?...not the best explanation I've ever done :(

      float4 znormal = 1 - dot(normal, float4(0,0,1,0));

      // Works pretty well though, even if you just do this below, and just use the normal!

      //float4 znormal = normal;



      OUT.T0 = IN.texCoordDiffuse * UVScale;

      OUT.T1 = IN.texCoordDiffuse * UVScale + znormal * 0.0011;

      // UVScale??  We only multiply the UVScale by the T0 & T1 as this is our Fur Alpha value!, hence

      // scaling this value scales the fur across your object...so reducing it makes the fur thicker,

      // increasing it makes it thinner.  We don't do it to our T2 output as this is our texture

      // coords for our texture...and we don't want to effect this


      OUT.HPOS = mul(float4(P, 1.0f), worldViewProj);

    OUT.normal = normal;

    return OUT;





float4 PS_Shadow_Textured( vertexOutput IN ): COLOR


      float4 furcolr        =  tex2D( TextureSampler, IN.T0 );

      float4 furcolr_offset =  tex2D( TextureSampler, IN.T1 );


      //??We use a simple offset trick to give individual hair shadows.  Works by using

      //the normal  - furcolor_offset in the direction of the normal of the triangle


      //Of course we scale this by a value so our offset is only small, but just

      //enough to give some individual hair lighting


      float4 color = furcolr_offset - furcolr;


      float4 fcolor = color;

      fcolor.a = color.a;



      //??We have our offset colour - but of course our fur colour could be a single

      // colour, red or just green!  So we want this as a grey, as we are concerned

      // with the fur shadows!


      // From RGB to YUV  

      // Y = 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B  

      // U = 0.492 (B-Y)  


      // From YUV to RGB  

      // R = Y + 1.140V  

      // G = Y - 0.395U - 0.581V   

      // B = Y + 2.032U


      // Y is the luma, and contains most of the information of the image

      float4 Y    = float4(0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0f);

      fcolor  = dot(Y, fcolor); // grey output



      return fcolor;


      //return float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f); //rrggbbaa






Not shown in the vertex/pixel shader code above is the addition of about 4 lines that allow us to introduce basic lighting to our surface.  Simple directional lighting added to the basic rendering of the shells, not the shadow shells the fur layers gives a slightly more eye catching effect.



Definitely worth testing out the demo to see the difference that inter-fur shadowing has.  Few things make the demo a bit more catchy is that the surface and hairs have the added directional lighting added to it, so that gives an even more eye stunning effect.


If you comment out the basic directional  lighting code in the shader demo you'll see the effects inter-fur shadows just as well




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By experimenting with the code you can produce a while variety of effects.  One such effect which jumps to mind is biasing the colour of the hairs for different layers or uv texture values.  Alternatively once you get to texturing, you could only put hair in places where the surface is a particular colour for example.  You could have it so that when you model a character, you make his head blue!...pure blue!...when you render the whole head, you could apply a fur algorithm to only the surface that is blue!


At this stage we have a relatively reasonable looking effect, which could be used as is, but as they say you can always go further.  But it's worth noting that our vertex and pixel shader code, or HLSL is implemented using only the very basic shaders, vertex shaders 1.1+ and pixel shaders 1.3+, so the effects should work on even basic graphic cards.



Textured Fur



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May the Force be with you!


Forces, such as gravity or wind or movement forces take the fur to that realistic dynamic level that isn't as hard as you think! 


Using a simple biasing and of course the simple Newton Laws of force (F=ma) and Hooks Spring Law (F=kx) we can add a bit more to our fur demo.  Simply by draging the bunny adds to the fur movement, it's not perfect, just a basic swishing back and forth in the x and y direction so you can see the fur working better.


The biasing of the fur is done by adding to the to the Positioning of each layer of the fur.  So that it's not so linear, I use a slight adjustment of power of 3, so that the outer layers are effected more than the inner layers...giving a curving on the tips.


You can increase and decrease the fur length by pressing <Up> and <Down> keys in the demo, so that the forces are really notable.  Of course the code could do with a bit more tweaking so it's a bit more bouncy...but it works.



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Below shows the code snippet from the Shader code that adds to the forces to the fur...you can also just comment the code out with comments /* */ and it should still work.  Might be an idea to just put the fur force code into a function later on so it's more structured, but I thought it was pretty simple to keep as it is, as it's only a few lines.


Code Snippet From Fur.fx

      // Additional Gravit/Force Code

      vGravity = mul(vGravity, matWorld);

      //float pp = 3.14 * 0.5 * Layer; // depth paramete

      //float A = dot(normal, vGravity);  //A is the angle between surface normal and gravity vector

      float k =   pow(Layer, 3); // We use the pow function, so that only the tips of the hairs bend

                                 // As layer goes from 0 to 1, so by using pow(..) function is still

                                 // goes form 0 to 1, but it increases faster! exponentially

      P = P + vGravity*k;

      // End Gravity Force Addit Code



Remember the code is repeated in two parts in the shader code, the fur rendering part and of course is repeated in the shadow shader code so our inter hair shadows are in the same place.






Improvements / Further Work


* Addition of Fins

* Fur texture is averaged over the current mesh, using the original fur colour texture - calculate each triangles size and exact tu/tv values for the fur texture individually.

* Optimise the render loop

* Organise the shader code more to use functions

* Do some performance work triangles vs FPS.

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