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so much power in such a few lines of code..


Quick introduction in to basic fluid (and gas) dynamics with a practical emphasis (not just theory but actually implementing and seeing things work).

Keywords: smoke, gas, dynamics, grid, simulation, real-time, animation, vortex, diffuse

Fluids are really cool and also very common - they're all around you! The human body is 65% water, and the Earth is 2/3 water.. while gasses are like fluids brother - they have a very similar set of properties - like air, smoke and clouds.

If you drop in in water or watch smoke float up into the sky - I'm sure you noticed the patterns of similarity?

Anyhow, fluid and gas dynamics are all around you! The're magical and beautiful - and you can emulate their characteristics in code.

So how do you go about simulating these things? Is it hard?

Well fluid dynamics is a big area! With lots of different models - with levels of accuracy and computation cost - however, for the most part of this tutorial I'll focus on `visually' realistic simulations that make numerical approximations. Looks and moves correctly! Also fast and we can interact with it in real-time.

Fluids and gases are everywhere! They
Fluids and gases are everywhere! They're inside you, they're all around you, they are both simple and complex. Their beauty and magic in static and dynamic form are beyond words.

Few concepts and their details - which we're going to try and include:

Diffusion: In a cup of tea, sugar molecules diffuse from areas of high concentration to low concentration, sweetening the drink evenly.
Vortex: A whirlpool forms when water rushes down a drain, creating a swirling vortex of water.
Buoyancy: A ship floats because its weight is less than the weight of water it displaces, thanks to buoyancy.
Viscosity: Honey flows slowly due to its high viscosity, resisting deformation and sticking to surfaces.

Simple Discrate Fluid/Gas Simulation Demo

The code uses JavaScript for the fluid/gas dynamics - as it's easy to follow and can run anywhere (just need a web browser). Focus on 2D simulations - so that it doesn't get overy complex. But it should be enough to show swirly ink-like animation patterns.

The concept implementation has been broken down into key functions - each performing a specific task (like diffusion and buoyancy).

The full code is also implemented on a demo page (LINK).

Smoke and Gas Simulation Output - screenshot from smoke.xbdev.net - test the demo out live.
Smoke and Gas Simulation Output - screenshot from smoke.xbdev.net - test the demo out live.

The following gives the full working code (simplfied) that can run from a single file (no external libraries or resources required).

<!DOCTYPE html>
html lang="en">
meta charset="UTF-8">
meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
title>Fluid and Gas Dynamics Simulation XBDEV Educational Tech Demo</title>
canvas {
border1px solid black;
canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
// Get the canvas element and its context
const canvas document.getElementById('canvas');
ctx canvas.getContext('2d');

// Define the size of the grid
const resolution 2.0;
cols canvas.width resolution;
rows canvas.height resolution;

// Create arrays to hold the density, u velocity, and v velocity
let density = new Array(cols).fill(0).map(() => new Array(rows).fill(0));
let u = new Array(cols).fill(0).map(() => new Array(rows).fill(0));
let v = new Array(cols).fill(0).map(() => new Array(rows).fill(0));

// Initialize density with a letter pattern
const letter "G"// Change the letter here
ctx.font "bold 150px Arial";

// Convert the letter on canvas to the density array
const imageData ctx.getImageData(00canvas.widthcanvas.height);
        for (
let i 0colsi++) {
            for (
let j 0rowsj++) {
                if (
imageData.data[(imageData.width) + (4) + 3] > 128
density[i][j] = 1.0;


// initial velcoity
for (let i 0colsi++) {
        for (
let j 0rowsj++) {
resolution canvas.width 2;
resolution canvas.height 2;
// Introduce some randomness to the velocity initialization
u[i][j] = Math.cos*  cols ) * Math.sincols ) * 0.1;
v[i][j] = Math.sin16 cols ) * Math.sincols ) * 0.5;

// Function to update the simulation
function update() {
// Apply diffusion
let diff 0.01;

// Apply curl

// Advect density

// Draw the updated fields
// Request animation frame for continuous update

// Function to apply diffusion
function diffuse(difffield) {
dt 0.1// Time step
const visc 0.0001// Viscosity
const amount dt visc * (cols 2) * (rows 2) * diff;

        for (
let k 010k++) { // Iterations for stability
for (let i 1cols 1i++) {
                for (
let j 1rows 1j++) {
field[i][j] = (field[i][j] + amount * (
field[1][j] + field[1][j] +
field[i][1] + field[i][1])) / (amount);

// Function to apply buoyancy force
function applyBuoyancy(densityv) {
gravity 0.05// Strength of gravity
const buoyancyAlpha 0.1// Buoyancy coefficient for density difference
const buoyancyBeta 0.1// Buoyancy coefficient for vertical velocity
const ambientTemperature 0// Ambient temperature

for (let i 0colsi++) {
            for (
let j 0rowsj++) {
densityDifference density[i][j] - ambientTemperature;
buoyancyForce = -buoyancyAlpha densityDifference buoyancyBeta v[i][j];

// Apply buoyancy force to vertical velocity
v[i][j] += buoyancyForce gravity;


// Function to apply curl
function curl() {
dt 0.1// Time step
const curlCoefficient 1.0;

        for (
let i 1cols 1i++) {
            for (
let j 1rows 1j++) {
du_dy = (u[i][1] - u[i][1]) / (resolution);
dv_dx = (v[1][j] - v[1][j]) / (resolution);

curl dv_dx du_dy;
u[i][j] += -curl dt curlCoefficient;
v[i][j] +=  curl dt curlCoefficient;

// Function to advect the density field
function advect(fielduv) {
dt 0.1// Time step

const temp = new Array(cols).fill(0).map(() => new Array(rows).fill(0));

    for (
let b=0b<7b++)
    for (
let i 1cols 1i++) {
        for (
let j 1rows 1j++) {
let x u[i][j] * dt resolution;
let y v[i][j] * dt resolution;

// Add some diffusion-like behavior
            //x += (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 0.1; // Introduce random noise in x direction
            //y += (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 0.1; // Introduce random noise in y direction

            // Clamp advection position to canvas boundaries
if (0.50.5;
            if (
cols 0.5cols 0.5;
            if (
            if (
rows 0.5rows 0.5;

i0 Math.floor(x);
i1 i0 1;
j0 Math.floor(y);
j1 j0 1;

s1 i0;
s0 s1;
t1 j0;
t0 t1;

field[i][j] = s0 * (t0 field[i0][j0] + t1 field[i0][j1]) +
s1 * (t0 field[i1][j0] + t1 field[i1][j1]);


// Function to render the fields
function render() {

        for (
let i 0colsi++) {
            for (
let j 0rowsj++) {

// Draw density
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${density[i][j]})`;

                // Draw velocity vectors
                ctx.moveTo(x + resolution / 2, y + resolution / 2);
                ctx.lineTo(x + resolution / 2 + u[i][j] * 10, y + resolution / 2 + v[i][j] * 10);
                ctx.strokeStyle = 'blue';
                ctx.lineWidth = 2;

// Start the simulation


CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
PDEs - Partial Differential Equations
FDM - Finite Difference Methods

Resources and Links

• Example test demo runnning [LINK]

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